"Take the cookies when they're passed": embrace life's opportunities, don't hesitate or hold back. Explore. Experiment. This is your chance. This is your time. Don't let the cookies pass by. Life is too short.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Swiss Family Robinson Comes True

Call me crazy but out of allll houses, and I truly mean ALL houses, Swiss Family Robinson's is my fave. It must be the woodsy, whimsical, unique, tree-house like architecture that lures me in as well as it's secret staircases, bouncy bridges, shutter windows, and tropical trees that swoop throughout. It just looks so cozy and homely and almost disneyland-ish. Although I guarantee you I won't be naming my children "Frtiz" and "Ernst" (which are the names of the two eldest sons in the movie) but I WILL have ostriches as pets. 

Unfotunately, the Internet doesn't have pictures of the exact Swiss Family Robinson house that I am thinking of, but these tree-house pictures do a fine job of representing where I want to live. Yes, that's right; ten years from now, you will find me burrowing 
away and eating bananas in one of the following homes. Mind you, they're all so wonderful so I may have to resort to swinging like a 
monkey between them so that they each get a share of my presence. 

And although this room isn't exactly up in the trees, I'd also quite like my Swiss Family Robinson house to swoosh down to water-level. There's nothin' wrong with adding a little citron twist here and there, eh...  


Also, if it's not asking too much, this would be an absolutely fabulous bedroom: 


 And this would be an absolutely fabulous swing:

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