"Take the cookies when they're passed": embrace life's opportunities, don't hesitate or hold back. Explore. Experiment. This is your chance. This is your time. Don't let the cookies pass by. Life is too short.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fashionable Patriotism

I'm ashamed to admit that I most look forward to the celebrations of Independence Day for two principle things: number one, the patriotic clothing and number two, the num-nums (surprise, surprise). 

However, I am extraordinarily picky about both. Patriotic, red, white, and blue outfits 
can't be too cringe-worthy cutesy, and the food has to be a notch better than Safeway bought and color-dyed (with god knows what...) cupcakes (although, I am completely guilty of buying these for our neighborhood's annual 4th of July party..shh). Over the top patriotic outfits are means for a good giggle, but I prefer the more subtle approach to sporting the red, white, and blue pride. Unfortunately, today I only got as far as putting on my Pi Beta Phi sorority sweatshirt, which consists of all three colors, but usually I'd make a wee bit more of an effort. One year I even went to the extent of wearing a red bra and blue knickers! Oh for the free time I once had...

But despite not dressing myself to the tee today, I spent a fair amount of time (during my lovely jog in the park) thinking about how one can make patriotism trendy. The key ingredients: simplicity...and the J-crew style! 

Here are some ideas. Mix and match and just have fun! 




A melange of clothing from:

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