"Take the cookies when they're passed": embrace life's opportunities, don't hesitate or hold back. Explore. Experiment. This is your chance. This is your time. Don't let the cookies pass by. Life is too short.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Just Let It Go

Right, here goes for self-exposure.  

Yesterday, in my absolutely physically and mentally tormenting (for me as a beginner, that is) Bikram Yoga class, I...TOOTED like a (slightly quieter) firework TWICE! Yep, twice and BIG ones at that. At first I was confused as I never normally do such a thing, but when I figured out what on earth had just happened, I was mortified. Well, actually, I wasn't all that mortified, I was just super duper greatly embarrassed. Of course, I can try to persuade myself that such an experience is only natural, but it certainly didn't feel all that natural to me. What's more, It didn't help that two far more trendy girls were positioned right behind me. Literally. I could practically feel them locking eyes at the unpleasant noise that reverberated throughout the silent room, most probably disrupting their deep concentration. And to top it off, they were the two girls that spoke disgustedly about the sweaty smell of the room...before I even contributed to the odor. Needless to say, I must admit that letting it rip...in PUBLIC...was quite the rebirth. I soon felt able to completely expose myself. It's as if farting was an ice breaker and from now on I can just be a sloppy mess and fully engage with my body during yoga class. Moral of the story: embarrassing moments often make one feel more comfortable. Just let loose...   

And now, on as equally mature a note as posting about tootin' up a storm in yoga, I'll leave you with a little 
somethin' to chew on when you're trying to fall asleep tonight. It's a thought that entertained me for the duration 
of my morning swim. It consists of thinking about celebrities (or even your boss or someone) doing a poo. I mean, there's that renowned and very well-meaning and educational children's book, "Everybody Poops," but this just steps out of the boundaries a little. However, there’s a limit to thinking about celebrities doing their thing on the loo, and I think that this picture of Kate Moss taking a wee is going too far. Honestly, there are much more appealing and, quite frankly, decent pictures that one can take of her (and anybody, for that matter). Some things just boggle my mind.

She does have a jaw-dropping smile in the above photo and clearly possesses the annoying tendency to look good anywhere (even on the loo, for goodness sake), but if you really want a picture of Kate Moss in the bathroom, why not go for something infinitely better like this:  


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